Hey there, bookworm! If you're skimming through this, congratulations! You've stumbled upon a golden ticket to hop on board my ARC street team extravaganza for the epic Circle of Light series. Get ready to embark on a wild ride as we gear up to unveil the third and final book in the spring of 2025.
What's ARC, you ask?
ARC stands for "Awesome Reader Crew" (just kidding, it's actually "Advance Review (or Reader) Copy"). It's like a secret handshake in the book world where authors bribe... I mean, graciously offer free copies in exchange for your brutally honest reviews.
What's in it for you?
Instant access to the first two books in epub format because who has time for paper anymore, am I right?
An exclusive sneak peek at the third book before your friends even know it exists. You'll be the envy of the book club!
So, join the ARC street team now and let's dive into this literary adventure together. And remember, there's no rush - we totally understand if you need to finish that mountain of unread books first. We've all been there!
For more information about expectations, restrictions and a special opportunity to participate in the holiday bundle promotion, check out the official ARC Sign Up Form today!